Summer Skin Care: How to Take Care of Your Skin

The hot, humid summer months can do serious damage to our skin, causing everything from sunburn and heat rash to acne and dryness. However, by following a few easy procedures, you can maintain good skin all summer.

Summertime brings about a lot of changes in the skin, which can be problematic if you don't maintain a regular skincare routine, according to Ritika Krit, CEO of Kamree. Acne, pimples, and dry skin are just a few of the problems that the oppressive summer heat and pervasive humidity in the air can bring on. To protect your skin from all of these issues, you must adhere to a tight and effective skincare regimen.

The foundation for good skin, according to Mugdha Pradhan, Functional Nutritionist, CEO, and Founder of iThrive, is the same regardless of the season: adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes eating a nutrient-dense diet, avoiding pollutants, using safe skin care products, and getting enough sleep.

Use these suggestions to take good care of your skin this summer so you can enjoy all the exciting outdoor activities without worrying about causing damage to it:

Regularly apply broad-spectrum sunscreen: Broad spectrum sunscreens offer UVA and UVB protection. "This SPF-containing sunscreen can protect the skin from UV radiation, sunburn, and other skin issues. Always use a moisturising sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 when it's hot outside.

Exfoliate twice weekly: Sunscreen offers fantastic skin protection, but if the skin isn't adequately exfoliated, it can clog pores and lead to issues. By unclogging the pores, exfoliation rejuvenates the skin. Do not over-exfoliate your skin as this may make it susceptible to various illnesses.

Hydration: In the summer, being hydrated is crucial. Pradhan continues, "Drink plenty of water and consume sufficient amounts of sodium, potassium, and magnesium."

Consume a lot of fruit. Along with a variety of micronutrients, including polyphenols, phytonutrients, and antioxidants, they naturally provide hydration for the skin. Eating in season and from your local area is always preferred when it comes to plant foods. Consider consuming more summertime fruits, such as mangoes, melons, grapes, etc.

Using a High-Quality Toner: "Don't forget to include toner in your skincare routine as it helps to close open skin pores and prevents oil and dirt from clogging them. The T zone of the face has a lot of sebaceous glands, therefore applying the toner there will produce better results.

Use a Lightweight Moisturiser: Summer heat can dry out your skin, so it's important to maintain moisture levels throughout the season. It is advised to use lightweight moisturisers because they assist hydrate and soften the skin. Using a moisturiser can help shield the skin from dryness and other problems related to it. It hydrates the skin and leaves it feeling non-greasy.

Aloe vera: Aloe vera naturally cools the skin and can be used to treat skin irritations like sunburns. To help maintain your skin healthy from the inside out, you can directly apply aloe vera gel to your skin or consume aloe vera juice.

Reduce puffiness by applying ice cubes: "If you have swelling around your eyes or face, consider applying ice cubes. Simply apply a few ice cubes to the affected area with a washcloth wrapped around them. 

Consume probiotics to prevent stomach infections and diarrhoea, which are more common in the summer. According to Pradhan, probiotics strengthen the immune system and maintain a healthy gut microbiota.  Sol kadhi and coconut yoghurt are excellent summertime probiotic foods.

Hygiene: Sweat can accumulate on your skin during the hot summer months, causing breakouts and other skin irritations. Make sure to take frequent showers and change into clean clothes to help prevent this.

In the summer, it's important to manage your exposure to the sun. Summertime brings a strong sun. Overexposure to the sun, especially during prime time, can cause sunburn and stroke (both very unhealthy for the skin). However, it's also not advisable to fully avoid the sun. Avoid sunscreens as the majority of them include many dangerous chemicals. Consider using a decent sunscreen cream produced from zinc oxide and free of dangerous chemicals if you must spend a lot of time in the sun.


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